

Coming alongside local churches

As a parachurch ministry, CEF does not exist to replace or usurp the role of the local church. Our goal is to come alongside (the para in parachurch) local churches to help train, equip, support, and encourage disciples of Jesus to more effectively evangelize and disciple children in Jesus Christ, in joyful obedience to the Great Commission.

Through the programs and training CEF offers to the local church, we want to be partners to help children know and grow in Christ and to connect them with the body of Christ on earth, the local church. Every CEF program and training event is designed with local churches in mind, and to connect kids with a Bible-believing, Jesus-loving congregation near them.

A partnership with CEF…


  • provides a way to mobilize church members for missionary outreach in the community;
  • provides ministry opportunities for all ages, from teens to seniors;
  • increases the outreach of your church’s children’s ministry;
  • gives the local church visibility in the community; builds relationships with unchurched children and families;
  • establishes a safe haven for unchurched families—somewhere to turn when needs arise or when looking for a church to attend;
  • maintains a vision for lost souls before the congregation through verbal reports, prayer needs, praises, and bulletin inserts regarding club activities and testimonies;
  • trains and develops new children’s workers not only for service in clubs but any place where there is an opportunity to evangelize and disciple kids;
  • and it facilitates the spiritual maturity of team members as they are involved in ministry in neighborhoods and schools.

How You Can Partner With CEF Of Greater Knoxville


First and foremost, CEF of Greater Knoxville cannot function without prayer. We need your prayers for God’s grace, provision, wisdom, and direction, that we serve faithfully and to His glory. We also ask you to “pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Matt. 9:38, ESV).
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CEF’s ministries, training events, and local committee are always in need of faithful Christian men, women, and teens who will use their talents, training, experiences, time, and energy to further the kingdom of Christ by making disciples of children.
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CEF of Greater Knoxville is funded entirely by the generous gifts of local churches and individuals. Our contributors are not merely donors, but fellow laborers who faithfully serve Him by their financial means, whose gifts are “a fragrant offering, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God” (Phil. 4:18, ESV). Thus, we ask that you would prayerfully consider becoming a financial partner with us for the eternal glory of God and His kingdom.
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Want to know

more about reaching children in Tennessee with the hope of Jesus Christ.